WHO calls for daily evacuations of patients from Gaza to Egypt

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for the establishment of“daily, unhindered and safe medical evacuations of seriously injured and sick patients to Egypt”, Friday, November 27, in a note sent to the media. According to her, 47 of the 72 primary health centers in Gaza are out of service and 25 of the 36 hospitals are not operational. The head of the WHO office in the occupied Palestinian territories called for the establishment of a “mechanism to facilitate the evacuation of the most critical patients”, in order to relieve overwhelmed hospitals. He estimated that 50 to 60 patients per day would have to be evacuated to Egypt. Follow our live stream.

Israel allows two fuel trucks to enter Gaza daily. Without specifying the date of entry into force of this measure, Israeli officials nevertheless specified that this fuel would be reserved “for the needs of the UN”. The United Nations warned Wednesday against “collapse” humanitarian operations in Gaza due to lack of fuel.

Israeli army says it killed “five terrorists” in Jenin. For its part, Hamas announced the death of three of its fighters “in the Battle of the Flood of al-Aqsa in Jenin”name given by the Islamist movement to the deadly attack of October 7. The IDF also declared that it had found in Gaza the remains of Noa Marciano, a 19-year-old soldier held hostage by Hamas, whose death was broadcast on Tuesday.

Hospitals searched from top to bottom. IDF inspects Gaza hospitals, accusing Hamas of using them as bases and using sick people as “human shields”. Late Thursday evening, the Israeli army announced that it had discovered the body of hostage Yehudit Weiss “Murdered by terrorists in the Gaza Strip” after being kidnapped by Hamas on October 7.

An alarming humanitarian situation. International aid to Gaza arrives in dribs and drabs by truck from Egypt, in insufficient quantity according to the UN, which is calling in particular for the delivery of fuel to operate the generators in hospitals. UN says communications are back “totally cut off” with the Gaza Strip, due to lack of fuel.

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