39 people still occupy the Saint-Sernin gymnasium in Toulouse on Monday. On Friday December 3, they took over the building, supported by the Right to Housing 31, after an unsuccessful meeting with the Haute-Garonne prefecture These 10 families did not get a place in emergency accommodation and therefore found themselves at the Street.
All are of foreign origin, undocumented, but all in an extremely different situation. Ahmed arrives from Somalia with his pregnant wife and children, some are still young. _ “We are a family of 8, _explains Lebanon, one of his sons. Our request for papers was denied. “
The family was unsuccessful in their asylum application and therefore expelled from the reception center for asylum seekers where they were staying. Except she won’t go back to Somalia, “there is a danger for the girls”, recalls the father who fears excisions
A future for children
A few meters from them, Yamna is with her 15 and 17 year old teenagers. Both wait until they can go to school. Their 7-year-old sister is already in school. The family arrived from Algeria three months ago. “I came to France for my children, for school for sport, Yamna says. For me and my husband, it’s good. We are here for the future of our children “
The family has not received a place in emergency accommodation since their arrival. She wanders from precarious shelter to precarious shelter. “We go to all places, you can not imagine! The last time we were in a garage, before in a garden. We were also three days in the street, at the station” says the mother of the family.
Still no solution offered
No emergency accommodation has yet been offered to families. The prefecture and the town hall refused to speak for the moment. The Haute Garonne prefecture only specifies that one “DAL 31 delegation was received on Friday December 3”, but that she “did not provide State services with the essential elements for the identification of persons and the examination of their administrative and individual situation”.
– Francois Breton