who are the 5 million French people who refuse the vaccine?



Article written by

PY.Salique, M.Mullot, A.Sarlat, A.Malesson, A.Husser, J. Delage, F. Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

By imposing the vaccination pass, the government wants to put pressure on the 5 million people who are still not vaccinated. Some still refuse, even if it means depriving themselves of social life. Who are they ?

5 million French people still hesitate, Thursday, January 6, to be vaccinated. For a year, the government has failed to convince them. “It’s not that I’m against the vaccine, it’s just that I’m waiting for the right time. I tell myself the vaccine was approved too quickly“, confides a passerby.”The new variant, there are many who say it’s just a cold“, suggests another. A 61-year-old retiree met by the France Televisions teams disapproves of the management of the health crisis.”To be vaccinated so as not to encumber the hospital, me, that, that annoys me “.

Among adults, the least vaccinated are those 30-49 years old (9.4%), as well as those over 75 years old (8.3%). According to doctor Luc Duquesnel, country doctor, not having a vaccination pass is not really a constraint for seniors in rural areas. “When you do not go to the cinema, when you do not go to a restaurant, (…) these constraints do not exist“, he estimates. According to a survey of the Health Insurance, over 80 years do not get vaccinated mainly out of fear (38%) or because they or their close relations are opposed to it (27%). D ‘after a study published Thursday, January 6, Most reluctant people have made up their minds on the issue, and will not be vaccinated.

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