Who are Marine Le Pen’s new voters?



France 2

Article written by

B. Delombre, L. Pekez, E. Marot, P. Goldmann, Drone images: “Drone Malin” – France 2

France Televisions

In some cities, Marine Le Pen came out on top in the first round of the presidential election on Sunday 10 April. This is the case at Bolbecin Normandy. In 2017, she had reached 32% voices. This time she gets a little more 40%twice as much as Emmanuel Macron.

Bolbec (Seine-Maritime) is a town of 11,000 inhabitants where Marine Le Pen crushed the competition. In this city, the candidate of the National Rally obtained 40% votes, twice as many as Emmanuel Macron. One of her best scores that she owes in particular to Sylvie, a voter who has always voted for the candidate.She’s for the workers“, she indicates. Her husband, he explains his vote by the rejection of the assistantship.There are people who don’t want to work at all, we give them this, we give them that, and who are behind their windows and laugh for whoever is going to work“, he laments.

Already in the lead in the first turn it five years ago in the city, the candidate RN improved his score by eight points.There’s enough of others, what’s behind, it’s worth nothing“, thinks a voter. Rising prices at the pump also contributed to Marine Le Pen’s success. Her promise of lower the VAT on petroleum products from 20 to 5% convinced more than one. Maxime, a 30-year-old mechanic, already has a worn back. For him, to vote for Marine Le Pen is to oppose postponing retirement to the age of 65.

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