White House Dog | Commander accused of being a serial biter

(Washington) The White House is not only juggling political problems, but also canine ones when one of the German shepherds of the Biden couple is singled out for having bitten on several occasions, to the point of having to be trained again.

US President Joe Biden and his wife Jill moved into the White House with two dogs, two German Shepherds, Champ and Major. After Champ’s passing, the Bidens introduced their new sweetheart: Commander, a dynamic young German Shepherd.

In one video, Joe Biden is filmed throwing a ball or walking into the White House with the puppy on a leash, accompanied by his wife Jill, and saying “Hey, mate” to Commander.

But Biden’s “buddy” bites, the American press points out, citing documents from the Secret Service, a unit specializing in guarding the president, obtained through access to information requests made by the conservative organization Judicial Watch.

According to these documents, Commander is involved in ten incidents, including one, where the victim had to go to the hospital. In one of the cases, Jill Biden “could not regain control” of the young dog who rushed at a member of the secret services of the White House, underline the American media.

“It is only a matter of time before an agent or officer is attacked or bitten,” wrote a Secret Service employee in an email cited in these documents.

The first lady’s communications director told CNN that the White House is a “unique and often stressful place for pets” and that the Bidens are trying to establish a new protocol in that regard. Until then, the Commander dog will have to be trained again, thus following in the footsteps of his other presidential colleague: Major.

The first presidential animal to go through a shelter, Major was briefly sent in 2021 to Delaware, the Biden family stronghold, to take training courses after biting at least one White House employee.

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