White Bean Savory Waffles Recipe

A waffle as a main course: here is a pleasure that is not too sweet! An adequate recipe for a brunch or a desire for a change. In addition, the scent of white beans is fulfilled by that of duck, the ideal marriage for a tasty dish.

White bean waffles


  • 500 g white beans
  • 7 eggs
  • 130 g of UHT liquid cream
  • 100 g duck fat
  • 70 g of duck fries
  • 100g of flour
  • a little garlic
  • salt pepper

Preperation :

  1. Mix the beans (previously cooked).
  2. Add the eggs, cream, garlic, salt, fries and flour.
  3. Incorporate the melted duck fat.
  4. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.
  5. Bake the waffles in a hot waffle iron lightly greased with duck fat.
  6. Serve hot with a green salad.

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