While waiting for the government of Elisabeth Borne, the right wing of the macronie in the grip of doubt

Waiting for the announcement of the government of Elisabeth Borne creates tension within the majority, where the right wing of the macronie fears losing ground. In this period of uncertainty for the government casting, everyone is looking for elements to measure the way in which political forces will be represented in the new team. And some of the right-wing macronists have spotted signals that worry them, including the composition of Elisabeth Borne’s cabinet.

Alongside the new Prime Minister: Aurélien Rousseau, chief of staff from the left. A former member of Bernard Cazeneuve’s cabinet is also approached. “It’s as if the Delanoë clan met in Matignon”, a counselor chokes. In hollow, behind these criticisms, it is the whole philosophy of macronism which is found in question. Emmanuel Macron has always praised the “exceeding” in politics, the end of the right and the left. But in his teams, after two Prime Ministers from the right, some thought that this architecture was made to last. They are therefore a little destabilized.

On the right side, we therefore pray that all these ministries where there will be reforms will not all fall to the left. Social affairs, education, health… “People on the right are worried because they want future reforms to speak to their electorate” decrypts a connoisseur.

And above all, they are destabilized because there have been a lot of rumors in recent weeks: a Macron-Sarkozy deal to bring in LR deputies… A right-wing woman at Matignon, Catherine Vautrin… Rumors that did not happen carried out. “Two months ago, in government, the right-wing heavyweights seemed insurmountable… today, that is no longer the case” laughs a member of Edouard Philippe’s entourage…

Even at Edouard Philippe, we have fun with this little game of influence. Because there is water in the gas between Edouard Philippe and some of his former right-wing comrades in macronie. His relations with Gérald Darmanin are notoriously more tense. “They monitor and gauge each other” soberly explains an adviser. Edouard Philippe enjoys his position outside the device. He was consulted on Wednesday by Elisabeth Borne. At the same time, he works to elect as many Horizons deputies as possible, he also tries to create a group in the Senate and does everything to weigh as much as possible for the future.

You have to understand that behind the announcement of the next government, there are political balances that will be redrawn. And we perceive the fragility of macronism. “The reality, this unity of right-left facade tacitly imposed by Emmanuel Macron, it does not exist”, deplores an evening visitor to the Elysée. If it is renewed, the future majority will not be easy to maintain.

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