Video length: 1 min
Budget 2025: which ministries will make the savings?
Budget 2025: which ministries will make the savings?
(France 2)
Significant savings will have to be made to close the 2025 budget. But in what area? Journalist Jean-Paul Chapel analyses the provisional leads provided by Michel Barnier’s office.
With an abysmal deficit, the new government will have to make savings in 2025. Which ministry could carry out these efforts? Cuts of 2.3 billion euros for Labor, 1.3 billion for Public Development Aid, or 200 million euros for Overseas Territories, have already been decided, recalls the journalist Jean-Paul Chapel, in the “20 Heures” of Monday, September 23. Figures “provisional”he explains, because “They can still evolve between now and October 9th”.
Among the winners of these forecasts, Ecology displays a “overall budget up”but “Aid for buying an electric car will drop by 500 million next year”points out Jean-Paul Chapel. The budget for “MaPrimeRénov'” will also decrease by “600 million”The same goes for Justice, which benefits from an insufficient increase: “The Minister of Justice should abandon the recruitments initially planned”the journalist observes again.