which goalkeeper against Grenoble? Laurent Batlles maintains the suspense

This is one of the questions that AS Saint-Étienne supporters are asking themselves before the match against Grenoble: which goalkeeper will start for this meeting which will mark the return of the fans to Geoffroy-Guichard? Back after his new two-game suspension, will Etienne Green be lined up for this particular meeting? Will the staff again trust Matthieu Dreyer, not always reassuring at Guingamp? Maybe a surprise with the young Noah Raveyre?

A question still unanswered today. This Thursday, Laurent Batlles ensures “having made one’s choice, a personal choice“, but which he will only reveal this Friday to the main protagonists, namely his guardians.

My choice has been made since the end of the internship at Chambon-sur-Lignonsaid the Saint-Etienne coach on Thursday. We discussed it with the staff, with Loic Perrin, but it is also a personal choice.

Expelled twice, Etienne Green left at the start of the season in the shoes of number one. Arrived at the end of the transfer window, Matthieu Dreyer left him at the base as number two. Will the hierarchy be changed? Answer this Saturday.

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