which clubs can afford Kylian Mbappé this summer?

In the event of departure during the next transfer window, few clubs could combine the financial situation and the sporting interest capable of convincing the PSG striker and his club.

He specified it in his press release, and repeated it in an interview on Wednesday at the Gazzetta dello Sport : Kylian Mbappé has not “asked neither to be transferred, nor to go to Real Madrid” and wants to continue next year at PSG. But his contractual situation could force his club to quickly review its plans: by announcing that it does not want to exercise its option until 2025, the French striker, in contract until 2024, will be free to sign where he wants and for free. next summer.

Something to make PSG think, for whom a free start, after having bought it for 180 million euros in 2017, would be catastrophic in terms of image and attractiveness. Christophe Lepetit, sports economist at the Center for Sports Law and Economics (CDES) in Limoges, kindly tried to decipher which clubs have, financially, the ability to seduce the French striker.

They have the means but Mbappé will not go: MLS and Saudi Arabia

Will Kylian Mbappé follow in the footsteps of his former teammate Lionel Messi, announced in Saudi Arabia before finally joining Inter Miami, in MLS (United States)? “No, probably not. Mbappé will not leave today in MLSsays Christophe Lepetit. We should consider a montage like that of Messi, or be able to get Mbappé out of the salary cap by making a designated player [recruter un joueur à un salaire libre sans tenir compte des restrictions habituelles]. It is doable but everyone would have to be in tune to offer the level of remuneration they hope for. It is a destination that attracts him more from the perspective of the end of his career”evacuates the economist.

Another possible destination: Saudi Arabia, its sovereign fund, which offers golden bridges to which some, like Karim Benzema and Cristiano Ronaldo, have already yielded. But the hypothesis seems remote for a player in full force of age, and who currently plays in a club owned by Qatar, historical rival of the other countries of the Persian Gulf. The geopolitical aspects are very important in this type of operation, so it could come into consideration or in any case ensure that, if the discussions were more extensive with these clubs, the PSG would be more demanding in terms of compensation. of transfer”, emphasizes Christophe Lepetit.

They can afford it but the sporting project does not match: Newcastle and Italian clubs

In Europe, several clubs with a colossal financial windfall would have enough to support the Mbappé plan financially, starting with the new rich Newcastle, now owned by a fund … Saudi. “I would be very surprised if Mbappé chose Newcastle. What guides his thinking for a possible departure is to join a project that allows him to win the Champions League in the very short term. I’m not sure that’s the case in Newcastle, whose project may take longer”, advances Christophe Lepetit.

Another destination: Italy. Back in force, Serie A is nibbling behind but still seems too fair to attract a player of this caliber. With a strategy focused on national players and well-felt shots, the trend is not for opulence on the other side of the Alps. “Juventus have very clearly fallen into line, AC Milan is still a little behind even if it has a payroll with the retirement of Zlatan Ibrahimovic. I’m not sure that Mbappé will go to the Italian market because it is not his priority interest, even if it could be that of the club”continues the economist.

They tick the boxes but it’s not their usual policy: Bayern and Liverpool

Announced last summer as a possible destination for Kylian Mbappé, Liverpool remains one of the most credible options: the Mersey club has the sporting project and the financial windfall sufficient to attract him. Only problem: the Reds do not have the habit of placing the salary of a player largely above the others. It is a club that is in the Top 5 highest earners in world football. But we are talking about a player who will be extremely expensive. It does not fit into the strategy that we are used to seeing on the Liverpool side”says Christophe Lepetit.

Never expected to sign the Frenchman, Bayern Munich has little chance of finding himself in the dance. “It doesn’t fit into Bayern’s strategy either. Not so much on the sporting aspect, but more in relation to its habits, which is to take very good players on the international market, but above all to focus on the best. German players.”

He has everything to please but is already well off: Manchester City

He has everything to seduce Kylian Mbappé: Manchester City has just won the C1, has unlimited finances, and enjoys a unanimously recognized coach. But do the Cityzens need it, they who went for the best player of the season, Erling Haaland, just a year ago? “On the English market, it would be more logical to see him go towards Manchester United or Liverpool: United with the arrival of a new investor which seems to be emerging, Liverpool which seems to be at the crossroads between two cycles, where City have already prepared this position with the recruitment of Haaland.” details the economist.

They are placed but will have to fight: Real Madrid and Manchester United

They are therefore two, and probably rather only one, who can reasonably imagine Mbappé joining them: Manchester United and especially Real Madrid. “I would go for Real, and then Liverpool, United, or City in that order”, ssummarizes Christophe Lepetit. The Merengues, who have just recovered Jude Bellingham for 103 million euros, have the player’s emotional favors and are playing for time: “It’s a fairly natural destination, but between natural and final destination, there is sometimes a gap. We’ll see if Mbappé already leaves the club and ends up well at Real.”

Finally, Manchester United can hold the line financially, and could offer him idol status at Old Trafford, which has been sorely lacking since the departure of Cristiano Ronaldo. “PWhy not Manchester United, which is about to be bought by Qatari funds, and which will probably want to set up a very ambitious sports project. Rrecruiting a player like Mbappé is rather a good operation”, says the economist.

And PSG in all this?

If indeed Kylian Mbappé could leave this summer, the trend is not for a departure, as the player recalled. But his contractual situation plunges his club into a dilemma: keep him at all costs to maintain his sporting and marketing project, or let him go and weaken his power of attraction. “SIf PSG really wants to sell Mbappé, there are probably long and tough negotiations that will begin. Which does not put PSG in the best situation, especially in view of its recruitment.warns Christophe Lepetit.

The suitors should therefore be multiple, despite a transfer fee which could amount to more than 200 million euros. PSG are heading into another turbulent summer. “Today, PSG is under a little pressure, because Mbappé has expressed his wish to possibly leave the club at the end of his contract. It’s a lying poker, but the one who is in a position of strength , it’s Mbappé”, concludes the economist.

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