“Where’s Jackie?” Asks Joe Biden to a deceased parliamentarian during a speech

Joe Biden’s arrest prompted many questions during the daily briefing by White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre.

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Some critics will see it as yet another blunder related to Joe Biden’s age. The American president addressed in a speech Wednesday, September 28 to a deceased Republican parliamentarian: “Where’s Jackie?”asked the 79-year-old Democrat, during a speech dedicated to the fight against obesity and food insecurity.

“I want to thank everyone who is here” said Joe Biden, mentioning two other parliamentarians particularly involved in these subjects, a Republican and a Democrat. In the process, he seemed to look in the room for former member of the House of Representatives Jackie Walorski, elected Republican from Indiana who died in early August in a car accident, who was very committed to the fight against malnutrition.

The elected official had actively contributed to the preparation of a major summit devoted to this problem, during which Joe Biden spoke on Wednesday. The White House had issued a statement after his death in which the American president said he was “shocked and saddened”.

Bombarded with questions about this on Wednesday to find out if Joe Biden had forgotten that the parliamentarian was dead, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre did not really answer. “He was thinking very hard about her” during this event to which she had actively contributed, only said the spokesperson. “I don’t find it disturbing”she said again in the face of the journalists who insisted.

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