where is the popular vote in France?




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In 1981, François Mitterrand was elected President of the Republic, a first major victory for the Socialist Party. Alexandre Hebert, journalist at France Télévisions, recalls the highlights of the popular class vote.

1981 is a symbolic date for the Socialist Party with the victory of François Mitterrand in the presidential election. “In 1988, the National Front attracted more and more French people and the working classes. 17% of workers voted for Jean-Marie Le Pen as did 14% of employees. In 2017, Marine Le Pen won 39% of workers’ votes. . It has been a constant progression for more than thirty years “, Explain Alexandre Hebert, journalist at France Télévisions.

However, must it be said that the extreme right has taken over the popular vote? “The vote on the left has eroded since that period. In 1988, 46.6% of workers voted for a leftist candidate, 30% in 2002 and 33% in 2017. But there is still an appetite for extremes. More than 25% of workers’ votes in 2017 were for Jean-Luc Mélenchon. During the regional elections in 2021, 75% of workers and employees did not go to the polls “, adds the journalist.

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