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The journalist Agnès Vahramian, special correspondent in Severodonetsk in Ukraine, takes stock, Thursday, May 5, of the advance of Russian troops in Ukraine.
Where is the advance of the Russian army in the Donbass? “In fifteen days of presence here, we have seen the intensification of the fighting, but the forces of Moscow have not seized major cities, such as Kharkiv or Severodonetsk”reports journalist Agnès Vahramian, special correspondent in Severodonetsk (Ukraine) for France Télévisions, Thursday May 5.
According to the journalist, the city of Severodonetsk is almost deserted. “It had 170,000 inhabitants before the war”she says, adding that “the Russians are not advancing”. In northeastern Ukraine, the Russian army captured several villages, “retreating the Ukrainian forces, but only a few kilometers”continues Agnès Vahramian, before indicating: “The Ukrainians are putting up fierce resistance, but it is costing them dearly. There are a lot of injuries and also a certain form of exhaustion among the civilians.”