Where is Mario? | The duty

On this summer evening, I am at work. I work on the Hand, right in front of Place de la Paix. Um, let’s just say that peace and quiet doesn’t always reign there. It often stirs up. When a rather serious incident occurs there, all kinds of comments are heard around me, sometimes compassionate, sometimes mocking, but often devoid of any form of sensitivity. Is it common to come across people experiencing homelessness in the metropolis?

In my hands, notebook B of the Duty, a bit like Mario’s life. Thanks to him for agreeing to tell Angélique Isnel about his daily life: 25 photos, a few words, a report that is easy to understand for the majority of IQs. What do we do now ? How many eyes have read this article which could have been called “Homelessness for Dummies”. Among these tender hearts, will people try a Mario hunt on the Plateau-Mont-Royal? Doesn’t his sign say “Any Help VERY APPRECIATED!” » ?

“Hell is other people”, Sartre’s famous phrase has often been misinterpreted, it seems. I wonder what Mario thinks…

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