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While food prices have increased significantly with inflation in recent months, some places in France manage to keep costs reasonable, while others don’t.
A shopping basket, the amount of which varies depending on where you live. 4% less here, 8% more expensive a few hundred kilometers away. The department with the most affordable prices is located to the west. The Vendée is the place where shopping would be the cheapest for the French. “I think we have better prices here”notes a Vendéen. “It is noticeable compared to other departments, where you can clearly see the price difference”, abounds a Vendée. For example, a pack of 4 yoghurts costs 89 cents.
The Vendée much cheaper than Paris
There is a lot of price disparity between departments. If the Vendée is at -5.5%, Paris is 20% more compared to the French average. Here, the four yogurts are 93 cents. A more salty bill is noted by the Parisians. “With 15 euros, here, you have nothing. With 15 euros, in the countryside you have a lot more things”slices a Parisian.