where do big business profits go?




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Tuesday February 15, the eco duel of 23h of franceinfo opposed Étienne Lefebvre to Christophe Ramaux. The two economists discussed the measures to be put in place to stem the increase in poverty in France.

In a context of galloping inflation, rising prices and purchasing power falling, wages have changed very little. “Overall the share of wages and contributions is fairly stable“, begins Etienne Lefebvre, editor-in-chief at Les Échos. Before continuing:The share of so-called profits, gross operating surplus is quite stable – between 31 and 33% for thirty years“. In other words, according to him, “this idea that there would be a distortion of the sharing of added value for the benefit of shareholders and against employees is quite erroneous“.

His counterpart Christophe Ramaux does not entirely share his vision.Contrary to popular belief, large companies are very important“. Corn “The richest 1% of French people hold nearly 50% of the shares and the richest 5% hold three quarters of the shares“, deplores the member of the aghast Economists.


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