“Where are these stars who signed?”

A week after the march against anti-Semitism in which many French stars participated, including Cyril Hanouna, Arthur, Yvan Attal, Charlotte Gainsbourg or Elie Semoun and Thierry Ardisson, a walkwhite and silent in favor of peace took place in Paris this Sunday, November 19, 2023. Fewer celebrities made the trip, but a few were nevertheless seen: we can notably cite the singer Maxime Le Forestier, the former politician Jack Lang, and the actress and singer Isabelle Adjani. The latter, interviewed by Paul Larrouturou for TF1, did not hesitate to point out the absence of her colleagues.

“I believe that the mobilization of artists, it’s something very French. I would like to know in which other country a march like this, white and neutral (…) takes place. We, I believe, are taking a stand for the survival of human bodies and souls.” declared the interpreter of Pull marine to BFMTV, before being more pugnacious at the microphone of TF1 by denouncing the absence of stars who had nevertheless signed stands in support of the victims of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts: “Where are all the other actors who signed?”she was indignant, citing Marion Cotillard and Nathalie Baye by name.

Michel Jonasz, Tomer Sisley and Pierre Arditi have signed

“Representing humanity as an artist, asking to be left alone, that’s it. Without taking sides, for one camp or another. Without positioning yourself, like that, and I find that this commitment is very French, this possibility of being there for the integrity of the human soul” continued the singer. This forum, which called for participation in a white and silent march for peace in Paris this Sunday, November 19, had been signed by more than 500 celebritiesas Tomer Sisley, François Berléand, Pierre Arditi, Jacques Audiard, Patrice Leconte, Olivier Py, Leïla Slimani and Michel Jonasz. But unfortunately, many of them were conspicuous by their absence…

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