Daktari, a beloved series that aired from 1966 to 1969, followed veterinarian Marsh Tracy and his daughter Paula as they protected wildlife in Africa. Despite its influence on audiences, the show is no longer accessible on television. Cheryl Miller, who played Paula, had a brief career thereafter and is now living quietly in California. Most of the cast has passed away, while the show’s animal stars, Clarence the lion and Judy the chimpanzee, have left behind intriguing legacies.
Daktari: A Beloved Show’s Legacy
For those who cherished the adventures of Daktari, it’s unfortunate that this iconic series is no longer available on television. If you didn’t manage to record the episodes or delve deep into the vast expanse of the internet, revisiting this cherished soap opera might prove to be quite a challenge. Launched in 1966 (1969 in France), Daktari captivated audiences for four memorable years across four seasons. Now, 55 years since its conclusion, the series left an indelible mark on the children of the 1960s and 70s, showcasing endearing characters alongside the enchanting wildlife of the African savanna. For those feeling nostalgic or curious newcomers, here’s a brief overview: ‘Veterinarian Marsh Tracy relocates to Wamero, Africa, with his daughter Paula to operate a center dedicated to animal behavior studies. In this sanctuary, they aim to safeguard the local fauna from unscrupulous poachers. Paula forges a special bond with Judy, a playful monkey, and Clarence, a cross-eyed lion.’
Where Are They Now? Cheryl Miller and the Daktari Cast
What has happened to Cheryl Miller, the talented actress who portrayed Paula Tracy in Daktari? Cheryl’s career saw her in various minor roles on American television. She made her debut in 1962 at just 19 years old, appearing sporadically on The Donna Reed Show. In 1964, she earned a supporting role on the beloved series Flipper the Dolphin, featuring in four episodes during its run. However, it was her role in Daktari between 1966 and 1969 that truly catapulted her into the limelight as the veterinarian’s daughter. Prior to the series, she played the same character in the movie Clarence, the Cross-Eyed Lion. After a few more television appearances until 1977, Cheryl’s career began to wane. She made a brief return in 1994 with a role in the classic Beverly Hills series, but since then, she has remained largely out of the public eye. Now at 81 years of age, it is presumed she is enjoying a quieter life in her home state of California.
As for the rest of the Daktari ensemble, what has become of the other cast members? Sadly, all the actors, older than Cheryl during the series’ filming, have since passed away. Many from that generation enjoyed significant careers in American television from the early 1950s through the 1990s. Ross Hagen, who portrayed Bart Jason in Daktari, was also a prolific screenwriter, director, producer, and music composer. Michael Pate, another prominent figure, had an extensive career in film, featuring in over sixty movies, particularly in westerns and war genres, and appeared in nearly 98 television series and films.
The beloved Clarence the lion, the heart of Daktari, also played a prominent role throughout the series. Originally named Freddie, he lived in California and sadly passed away at the young age of 7.5 years in July 1969, shortly after the show ended, due to a gastric ailment and blood poisoning. As for Judy, the charming chimpanzee from the series, her fate remains a mystery…