“When you push others around, you pay for it afterwards. It’s a question of karma!”

At 52, Hélène Ségara continues to impress her most fervent admirers. An emblematic figure in the music industry, the star has made an impression with her countless hits. “Her, you love her”, “There are too many people who love you”, or “We never forget anything, we live with it”, iconic songs of the singer that continue to loop on the airwaves.

A discreet time because of her health concerns, the main interested party recorded her big comeback in the media by illustrating herself in successful shows like “France has an unbelievable talent”, without forgetting : “Who Can Beat Us” on M6. This Thursday, April 6, 2023, our colleagues from the magazine “Gala” honored the news of the star.

With her experience and her benevolence, Hélène Ségara wanted to give some advice to those who wish to embark on music in their turn. “I would not have lasted so long in this profession if I had not been respectful with those I met”, revealed the artist with philosophy. And to add: “As soon as I was known, I was there for trainees who needed a boost. When they climbed the ladder afterwards, they remembered it”.

see also:

“You have to know how to plan”

As she explained, humility is a very important quality in her eyes: “When we lack kindness, when we push others around, we then pay for it. It’s a matter of karma.” Despite her successes, Hélène Ségara still wants new challenges: “You have to know how to project yourself. As I like to be a kind of cultural and artistic spokesperson for the Francophonie, since I sing in ten languages, ideally, I would see myself conquering Asia. Japan or Korea m attract […]”.

These three children – Raphaël, born in 1990, Matteo in 2003 and Maya in 2004 – now grown up, the wife of Mathieu Lecat can focus more on his professional projects without feeling too guilty. For Hélène Ségara, family is sacred: “When the children grow up then you have to let them flourish in their own way. What is certain is that happiness passes through the family. It constitutes the core… The entourages, we see them disappear […] when you have serious problems, then you have to know where the pillars are […]”. It is said !


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