when Yannick Jadot was against electric cars



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During the first debate at the environmentalist primary, Yannick Jadot expressed a very clear position on the development of the electric car in France: “Everyone knows that when it comes to cars, we will have to go electric.” But he was not always of this opinion.

Today, the ecological presidential candidate, Yannick Jadot, wants to manufacture batteries for electric cars in France. “Are we going to let the Chinese who invest heavily to be the leaders in the clean car?”, he declared in June 2019. However, he did not always believe in the prospects of this market. Eleven years ago, he was even very skeptical: “Very clearly, this is not a clean car. The electricity does not come from the wall”, he explained on France 3. “Producing electricity releases CO2, pollution. It is dirty energy, there for once, it would not be very green.”

He was also cautious about the objectives posted by the industrialists: “When the boss of Renault says that we are going to make 10% of electric cars in 2020, there is not an expert who confirms.” Verdict, more than ten years later? “The Eye of the 20 hours” contacted the French manufacturer, which specifies that electric cars represented 8.7% of sales in 2020 and even 13% including hybrids.

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