“When will you reinstate the thousands of unjustly suspended caregivers?”

The reintegration of caregivers not vaccinated against Covid “is not relevant“, affirmed this Tuesday the new Minister of Health François Braun during a hearing at the National Assembly. “It is however a priority a priority, there is nevertheless urgency, react minister,” notably launched the RN deputy for Gard Yoann Gillet, in the law commission. François Braun underlined the “pvery low proportion” ofhospital workers suspended for this reason: 0.53% according to him. This represents “just under 12,000 (people) all professions combined, with technical and administrative staff“, he said later. The reintegration of these unvaccinated caregivers has been the subject of a series of questions from several opposition groups.

Among these deputies who challenged him, the Nîmes Yoann Gillet: “The resources are undersized. Our hospitals are understaffed, our caregivers suffer, lack consideration, are exhausted, and more and more of them are changing their professional orientation..” He adds : “The government does not plan anything, Mr. Minister, about a social injustice and an aberration in terms of public health“.

“While we are sorely short of healthcare workers, thousands of healthcare workers are suspended… when will the government put an end to this heresy? When will the government act in the interest of our healthcare system? When will you reinstate the thousands of unjustly suspended and yet essential caregivers? Yoann Gillet, RN deputy for Gard

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The new bill includes limited measures such as a possible border health pass or the continued collection of information on the results of screening tests and vaccines.

According to Public Health France, France records 105,353 new daily cases on average over the last 7 days (latest figures, as of July 4). While the trend is indeed on the rise, the figures remain far from the peak of January 2022, when the number of cases smoothed over 7 days exceeded 350,000.

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