When “we buy gas from Putin, we are financing his war effort in Ukraine”, underlines Julien Bayou, national secretary EELV

On the 19th day of war in Ukraine, and while the country is still in the grip of Russian bombardments in many cities of the country, Julien Bayou, national secretary EELV, estimates on franceinfo Monday March 14 that “every day we buy gas from Putin, we fund his war effort”. He demands that the state “weighs for Total to withdraw from its activities in Russia”.

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Faced with the Russian invasion in Ukraine, Julien Bayou calls not to sit idly by: “We have been pleading with Yannick Jadot for a long time for a Europe of defence, a very firm response and energy independence”he says.

“Yannick Jadot often says that it is better to depend on the wind than on Vladimir Poutine. It might have seemed a bit abstract a few months ago, today we are right on target.”

Julien Bayou, national secretary of EELV


Regarding France’s dependence on Russian gas, the national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts believes that the State finances “the war effort in Ukraine”. “There is no peace, democracy, security in Europe if Ukraine is not entitled to it”insists Julien Bayou. “It is truly a conflict which must mobilize the whole of Europe and therefore it requires making choices and being able to organize the embargo.”

For Julien Bayou, the idea of ​​lowering heating in homes by one or two degrees is a “gadget”. According to him, it is ignoring “the situation of the French, many of whom live in energy sieves”continues the national secretary EELV. “There are more than three million households that are in fuel poverty. So, what are we going to say? ‘Stop heating yourself’ when they are already spending too much and have to arbitrate between leisure, health and feeding their children? This is not a good solution”criticizes Julien Bayou.

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