when Vladimir Putin threatens Emmanuel Macron on the phone, this tense conversation between the two presidents

The war continues in Ukraine and Emmanuel Macron has decided to go to the field to see with his own eyes the damage caused by the Russian strikes and the territory emptied of its inhabitants who fled the conflict. And while the President of the Republic is still trying to persuade Vladimir Putin to stop the offensive and recall his soldiers, now the exchanges between the two presidents have just been revealed.

This Thursday, June 30, 2022, France 2 indeed broadcast a documentary entitled “A president, Europe and war” which reveals in particular how the Head of State managed the start of the conflict which occurred last February. A scene takes place on Sunday February 20, four days before the start of the violent military offensive led by the Kremlin against its Ukrainian neighbor. We see Emmanuel Macron talking by phone with Vladimir Putin.

A phone call synonymous with tension
“The tension continues to grow and you know my commitment and my determination to maintain the dialogue. I would like you to give me your reading of the situation in a rather direct way, as we both do.” says Emmanuel Macron to Vladimir Putin.

The Russian president, who is not used to taking tweezers, then replies: “Listen to me, the principle of dialogue is to take into account the interests of the other party”. Very calm but rather firm, Emmanuel Macron then outdone himself: “I don’t know where your lawyer learned the law, I just look at the texts and I apply them. I don’t know which lawyer can tell you that in a sovereign country the Legislation is proposed by separatist groups and not by democratically elected authorities.”

Against all expectations, we will learn later that Vladimir Putin was at the gym during this rather important conversation where the two heads of state were trying to agree on the conflict. Four days later, Vladimir Putin will order his soldiers to start hostilities against Ukraine. “It shows the cynicism of this man who knew perfectly well four days later that he was going to invade Ukraine and who lies brazenly.” we hear in the documentary.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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