When the holidays rhyme with excess: the hidden side of Christmas celebrations

During this festive period, the challenges pile up for those who prefer to avoid alcohol, whether they are in recovery, designated drivers or simply wishing to reduce their consumption. Anne Élizabeth Lapointe, general director of Maison Jean Lapointe, shares essential advice in Richard Martineau’s podcast.

“Office parties can be tricky. Arrive after the start, and everyone is already in the festive mood,” she explains.

The key, according to her, is to anticipate by providing alcohol-free alternatives. She also emphasizes that, nowadays, the offer is very diversified in terms of “ready-to-drink” without alcohol.

Concerning different mentalities, Anne Élizabeth Lapointe notes positive changes, but emphasizes that prejudices remain.

“There is growing acceptance, but it still bothers some people,” she explains.

It encourages asking respectful questions rather than assuming reasons. After all, an individual absolutely does not need reasons to refuse alcohol. Let’s be more lenient!

Finally, Anne Élizabeth Lapointe discusses the post-holiday period, where Maison Jean Lapointe sees an increase in calls. She highlights the importance of setting achievable goals, encouraging those who wish to join their ‘twenty days without alcohol’ challenge this February.

An enlightening discussion, offering valuable advice for sober and respectful Holidays for all.

NB. This text was written using artificial intelligence from the QUB radio audio interview.

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