when the French teams bring boys and girls to register in clubs


Video length: 3 min

Rugby: when the French teams get boys and girls to get involved

The broadcast of the matches of the French women’s and men’s teams allowed an increase in the number of members in the clubs, both boys and girls.

(France 2)

The broadcast of the matches of the French women’s and men’s teams allowed an increase in the number of members in the clubs, both boys and girls.

The French rugby team is currently playing in the Six Nations Tournament. The enthusiasm is unprecedented. There have never been so many requests to get seats in stadiums and go support the Blues. The enthusiasm also benefits the clubs: there are +15% more licensees. Including in Hauts-de-France, such as at the Soissons club, in Aisne. Of young boys joined the rugby school. They are fans of Antoine Dupont in particular and they too imagine themselves one day in the French team.

“We have to show that even us girls are capable of doing it”

“What made me want to play rugby was especially the World Cup, I saw the Blues play and it made me want to be like them. It was really a great hope”, confides a young man. The girls get into it too and there’s no in never had as much in rugby clubs. The media coverage of the French women’s team and the broadcast of their matches on television gave ideas to certain young players, particularly in Clamart (Hauts-de-Seine). “We have to show that even us girls are capable of doing it and that there is no fear in playing rugby if we follow the rules and enjoy it”indicates a young girl.

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