when the deputies are crunched on the benches of the Assembly




Article written by

J.Nény, E.Maizy, C.De Chassey, drawings by Kokopelloa – France 2

France Televisions

The drawing entered through the front door on the benches of the National Assembly. For the first time, seven cartoonists were allowed to sketch the debates in the hemicycle, like trial cartoonists. Reportage.

Unusual neighbors have entered the Palais Bourbon: cartoonists. Among them, Mathieu Sapin, Louison, Kokopello, but also all those who request it. On that day, questions to the government are on the agenda. Mathieu Sapin sketches Bruno Le Maire, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. “He does not have very characteristic features. (…) It is easier, for example, when there is someone who is bald”, he notes. The new observation post changes a lot for the artists. “The press was on top, so the press can’t hear the things we can hear here”adds Kokopello.

If the cartoonists can make the most of the parliamentary spectacle, it is thanks to Yaël Braun-Pivet, the President of the National Assembly. “It is the house of the people, so citizens must be able to come there. The doors are wide open”, she comments. Among these artists, Louison sketches the political class into animals. Opposition MPs are not the most susceptible. “I really like caricatures. Especially when it concerns me”, comments Éric Ciotti, LR deputy for the Alpes-Maritimes. For his part, Louis Boyard, LFI / NUPES deputy from Val-de-Marne, assures that he does not “don’t offend”. The drawings could soon be exhibited in the corridors of the Assembly. In the meantime, political comic books have been a hit for a dozen years.

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