When the Department of Justice auctioned off the assets of criminals


France 2

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Sports cars, vintage wines and luxury jewelry will be offered at an auction in Bercy. Property seized from thugs.

Bercy will auction, Friday, November 5, goods that have belonged to criminals. They were seized during criminal proceedings. There are watches, jewelry, vintage wines or even cars, such as a Lamborghini, priced at € 150,000. A prestigious auction, organized for the ten years of Agrasc. This is the Agency for the management and recovery of seized and confiscated assets.

It is a little-known public establishment, which reports to the Ministry of the Economy and Finance as well as the Ministry of Justice. Its motto ? No one should profit from his offense. The agent collected by this auction will return to the community, a part will be paid to victims and another to the fight against drugs and prostitution, explains the journalist of France Televisions, Muriel Gensse.

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