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On social networks, thousands of young people, mainly girls, exhibit their bodies for a few euros. But these images can resurface years later, disseminated in revenge on the internet …
It is a phenomenon that has exploded since the first confinement in March 2020. For some people, in just two years, selling photos of his naked body would have become a source of considerable income. On Twitter, all you have to do is type in a few explicit keywords like “Nudes” or “Sellnudes” to come across thousands of accounts of young people, mainly girls, exposing their bodies for a few euros.
How to fight against “revenge porn”?
The practice is not without risk: these images can resurface years later, disseminated in revenge on the internet, without prior consent. It’s called “revenge porn” against which activists, like those of the StopFisha collective, are fighting. “Special Envoy” followed these vigilantes of the Net who flush out accounts displaying the bodies of girls in order to harm them.
A report by Romain Boutilly, Swanny Thiébaut, Antoine Husser and Baptiste Rimbert broadcast in “Special Envoy” on December 16, 2021.
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