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Faced with soaring inflation, large retailers are in turn launching into the second-hand market. This is the case of Casino and Carrefour, which offer second-hand clothes or refurbished telephones at bargain prices.
A new large-scale retailer in Vals-Près-le-Puy (Haute-Loire) offers second-hand goods and discounted prices. We find on the shelves clothes already worn, from big brands, sold 70% cheaper. Barely opened, the store is already very busy. “We hadn’t developed it at all, it’s a test, but we see that it works. So we’re going to work very quickly to enlarge this department already”comments Serge Margaridenc, Director of Innovation and Development at the Casino Group.
Other brands sell refurbished phones. Until now, these products were only found in a few supermarket shelves. From now on, large retailers are opening entire stores. The second-hand market weighs 7 billion euros in France, enough to tempt the brands. “There are customers who were not second-hand customers and who come to take second-hand products, because it is cheaper. And it is also a good answer to the problem of purchasing power that we know today”explains Henry Zue, director of partnerships at Carrefour France.