when speed bumps annoy residents and motorists



Video duration:
3 mins

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – M. Martel, J. Wild, A. Richier, F. Hénaut, F. Daireaux, R. Chapelard, V. Jové, L. Beneyton

France Televisions

There are 450,000 speed bumps, which should encourage drivers to slow down in the city. But according to an association which contacted the Council of State, many are not regulatory.

Some brake at the last moment, others don’t even bother, sometimes even bounce back. Speed ​​bumps have become the nightmare of many motorists. But to get drivers to relax, is anything allowed? What are the rules? In a village in Seine-et-Marne, Antonin Morel, meter in hand, checks the height of a speed bump installed a year ago. Result: 3 cm more than the 10 maximum allowed. The speed bump would therefore be illegal. The association filed an appeal before the Council of State.

Exasperated residents

In France, a document documents the shape of the speed bumps, but who controls the dimensions? The text does not specify this. The mayor of the town is ready to take on the work, but not to pay for the others. Although according to road safety, speed bumps save lives, they sometimes cause accidents, especially if they are poorly maintained.

Local residents are also exasperated. A couple has been living with noise pollution for a year and a half and says they cannot sleep, even with the windows closed. They decided to move and are now selling their house for 20% less, because of these inconveniences.

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