When science looks at the ability of women to do several things at the same time




Article written by

A. Carré-Guillem, L. Brisson, N. Jayer – franceinfo

France Televisions

A received idea still circulates today: women are multi-taskers. But is this really the case?

This is an old cliché about women. They would have the ability to do several things at the same time, unlike men. Can we say that this stereotype is based on a biological reality? This debate is not new. The first scientific study that theorized this idea was proposed in 1982 by two American researchers working on the brain. They think that women could better control their two hemispheres independently, and therefore do more things at the same time. These conclusions are now challenged.

A 2018 study on the subject concludes: “We found no difference between men and women in terms of serial multitasking abilities.” This stereotype has therefore not been scientifically proven.

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