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According to a recent DRESS study, 10% of nursing students throw in the towel from the first year of training. Some young people are discouraged by the harshness of the terrain during their first internship.
In this amphitheater in the Paris region, future nurses. After three years of training, they will go to work in hospitals, nursing homes or in town. Some have given up. “When we arrived, there were many more of us than now”, says a student. Internships are difficult times for some. “If we don’t have the firm conviction of what we are trying to do, we can give up”assures Rose Céline Mbamba, a student at the Théodore Simon training institute in Neuilly-sur-Marne (Val-de-Marne).
10% dropout rate in first year
Of the 217 former first-year students, 11 stopped in the first few months. “Sometimes people think of an idea of the job, and by doing internships, they realize that this is not what they want to do”, confides Thierry Maignan, a first-year student. At the national level, the dropout rate in the first year has increased from 3% in 2011 to 10% in 2021. It is 4% in the last year.