when Jean-Louis Murat confided in his career

On franceinfo, in 2018, the singer confided with total frankness. Jean-Louis Murat died at the age of 71.

The singer Jean-Louis Murat died at the age of 71, Thursday May 25, 2023. Author-composer and performer, Jean-Louis Murat was born on January 28, 1952 in Puy-de-Dôme, in Auvergne. Among these most famous titles: Regretsung in duet with Mylène Farmer, but also If I should miss you And At my Sans-Souci. Guest of Elodie’s World on franceinfo, in November 2018, he confided in the music “who saved his life”.

>> Death of Jean-Louis Murat: “He is an absolutely unique author”, greets the communication director of a concert hall in Auvergne

“Am I free as air or do I give a fuck?”, he then laughed when asked if music was his passion. And to clarify:Making music is not a choice, not all of a choice. It’s making music to live in a certain way. That is to say, to lead a contemplative life, to stop working, not to give orders, not to receive them, not to have a schedule… Me, that’s rather what I was looking for as a life : a life of maximum freedom”, he then described, touched by the death of his 30-year-old musical partner, Christophe.

I would have died if it hadn’t been for the music! When I decide to get into music, I come out of a fortnight in a coma and there, I take refuge in a church. I say to myself: ‘Next time, you are definitely dead. You have to decide what you decide what, otherwise you will die. And that’s where I decide to make music“, he confided to the microphone of Elodie Suigo.

“Look at things like a child”

The poet then detailed these sources of inspiration. With, to begin with sensuality: “The French language is very practical for that. Poetry all the same is to excite girls. Me, from the beginning, I wrote poetry, but at school, I know that this is my number one explanation, it was to say that you have to be a poet to fall for girls. So it was more poetry in order to enter into a strategy of winning hearts“, he smiled.

Before, to detail, with age and the different records that another motivation: “I would say that the most effective show for me is that of the children, of a kindergarten yard. I must say that I could spend my life watching what happens in kindergarten classes, so childhood, the wonderment of childhood, to preserve this side. And look at things like a child.”

And to conclude:It’s hard to tell the difference between being free, feeling free and not giving a fuck… So I think: am I free as air or do I absolutely give a fuck ? I think I am neither and I try to find a middle ground, between the bitterness of failure and the satisfaction of continuing to do what I do.

The deceased singer-songwriter has published around thirty albums during his career. A best of is due out Friday, May 26, 2023.

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