when hospitals equip themselves to deal with violence


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

D.Brignand, R.Chapelard, T.Gauthier – France 2

France Televisions

How to better protect hospital staff? Example in Antibes, where arrangements have been made following a series of reports.

At the hospital in Antibes (Alpes-Maritimes), all departments now have an alert button. “It triggers an alarm downstairs, security”, specifies Roxane Belliard, medical secretary. The emergency device was installed after she was threatened with death by a patient. “It’s very reassuring”, she believes. During the summer of 2022, caregivers suffered several acts of violence: six reports, and four complaints in one month.

Portals, new cameras and appointment of a referent

In the process, the management reinforced the security of the hospital, with gates at the entrances assisted by security guards, and installation of new cameras. At night, access is now only possible from the emergency room, and patrols have been reinforced. In the corridors, posters recall the penalties incurred in the event of aggression. A referent has also been appointed. Despite the measures, since the beginning of the year eight caregivers have already filed a complaint for assault.

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