when Gabriel Attal invites himself into an interview with Valérie Hayer to “support” the head of the Renaissance list


Valérie Hayer, head of the Renaissance list in the Europeans, was the guest of “Demain l’Europe” on Monday. The Prime Minister gave him a surprise by appearing in the middle of an interview.

It was Valérie Hayer, head of the Renaissance list in the European elections, who opened the morning “Demain l’Europe” on franceinfo, Monday June 3. And while she answered questions live from Emilie Tran-Nguyen and Nicolas Prissette, Gabriel Attal presented himself on the set of the Radio France auditorium. “Hello, I’m sorry, I’m just bursting onto the scene”: the Prime Minister took advantage of his presence at the Maison de la musique et de la radio, where he had just been interviewed in the “8h30 franceinfo”, to stop by the auditorium to, he said, “come and encourage Valérie”. The head of the list greeted him with a “Mr. Prime Minister… Hello Gabriel!” before giving him the floor during his few minutes of interview.

As the European campaign enters its final week, and the Renaissance list remains behind in the voting intention polls, the Prime Minister is increasing his appearances in the campaign of the head of the list. After Valérie Hayer’s meeting on Saturday, in Aubervilliers, where he assured that “nothing is decided” for the majority, Gabriel Attal was on France 3, Sunday, then on franceinfo, this Monday. In response to Emilie Tran-Nguyen, who asked him if it was because he was “worried” that he followed Valérie Hayer “everywhere”, the Prime Minister replied that he was “worried about Europe”. And he addressed the young people present in the auditorium audience.

All morning, twelve heads of list or their representatives follow one another on the set of “Demain l’Europe”, to be followed live on channel 27 of TNT, on the site and the franceinfo radio antenna. An event that continues in Le Talk de franceinfo, on Twitch, with the candidates answering live questions asked by Internet users.

During his interview a few minutes later, François-Xavier Bellamy, head of the Les Républicains list, saw in Gabriel Attal’s intervention a form of “contempt” : “The least we can do is let the candidate campaign.” François-Xavier Bellamy points a “confusion of roles” with “an executive who spends his time saturating the media space”. And he contests Emmanuel Macron’s speech scheduled for Thursday “24 hours before the end of the campaign”. Marie Toussaint, head of the Les Ecologistes list, also invited to speak as part of “Demain l’Europe”, wished to share her “anger”, remembering that “Women are not doormats.” “We have the feeling that they sent Valérie Hayer to fight a battle that none of them had the courage to fight, she believes. The Prime Minister has the right to support it, but it’s one thing to support it, and it’s one thing to make it invisible.” The France Insoumise candidate Manon Aubry associated this intervention with “mansplaining”, term which defines an explanation given by a man to a woman in a paternalistic or condescending tone.

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