when emblematic artists encouraged Mitterrand to run for president in 1988

In 1987, the socialist president, aging and already ill (his cancer would not be made public until years later) hesitated to stand for a second term. Built to encourage his candidacy, a “strategy of desire” will tailor an exceptional support committee to him. Singers, actors, writers won over by a generous policy towards the arts (and a doubled budget for culture) will be put to work in a masterful communication operation.

On the maneuver, Jack Lang helped by Jacques Séguéla

At the maneuver, Jack Lang, the emblematic Minister of Culture, and Jacques Séguéla, advertising star of the 1980s (the craftsman of “quiet force” victorious in 1981). Their idea:to suggest“to certain hand-picked artists, such as Renaud, Barbara or Gérard Depardieu, who offered their help, “express it directly in their own words“, according to those of Jack Lang.

For Depardieu, asked for a press campaign, it will be: “Mitterrand or never!” The comedian even admits under his full-page portrait: “That’s it, I’m going to vote for the first time.” Done “very extraordinary”, marvels Séguéla, “he insisted on paying for these campaigns out of his own pocket. This is the first time in history. Artists are always ready to commit, but not to pay for the medium in which they express themselves”.

A big facelift for the 72-year-old candidate

For Renaud, it will be the unstoppable “Tonton, let not concrete”, diversion of one of his most popular songs. Under the slogan, the platform he signs in The Morning of Paris is not made only of his “own words”: “We wrote it with him, admits Jack Lang, but he put his paw there“. The “irritating singer” who comes to a meeting “to support the candidacy of François Mitterrand (your your tin)” in any case offers a great youthful boost to the 72-year-old candidate.

After such a campaign, he will be re-elected hands down (and the daily Release titled “Congratulations to the artist”). It marks the peak of the influence of personalities from the world of culture. This use of actors or singers for electoral purposes has not failed to be criticized by Jack Lang’s detractors. “Grotesque“, “ridiculous“let go of the one whose”consideration for artists has nothing to do with it“. Thirty-five years later, was able to note “Complementary investigation”, the remark continues to exceed it.

Excerpt from “People and politics, small services between friends?”, a document to be reviewed in “Complément d’Enquête” on November 3 2022.

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