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And if tomorrow the drugs were transported by drones? A full-scale test took place on Wednesday May 10 in Octeville-sur-mer, in Seine-Maritime.
Drones are now delivering medical products. “You can put about three bags of blood on the current model, a few hundred blood samples, and throughout the flight, the box maintains the desired temperature”, explains Marius Gautier, of the Avy company. A test took place on Wednesday May 10 in Octeville-sur-mer (Seine-Maritime).
A solution for the future in the most isolated areas
The drone could soon make the connection between different health establishments in the region. 100% electric, the machine has a range of 100 km, and can go five times longer than by road. These deliveries by air can be a solution for the future in the most isolated areas. In Toulenne, in Gironde, we have been testing the delivery of medicines to homes for a few months.