At a time when his trial in the Stormy Daniels affair is causing a lot of ink to flow, Donald Trump is turning himself into a Bible salesman. In collaboration with Lee Greenwood, a famous and very conservative musician, he says he wants to restore his faith to America. All means are good to win the vote of evangelicals who represent nearly 25% of the American population.
Well, it must be said that after having done them the favor of appointing fanatical uterine appropriation judges to the Supreme Court of the United States, Donald became an ally of these religious circles. Yes, the vast majority of the leaders of this very disparate movement know that because of his cult of lies, his sexual misconduct, his passion for the casino industry, but above all his possible affair with a porn actress while his wife is pregnant, Donald is not as good a model of a believer as someone like Mike Pence. But they support him, because Trump has already made big money for them.
The proof: thanks to him, the right to abortion is now attacked from all sides by the American phallocracy.
Yet in 2022, America has seen 38 mass shootings and 48,000 gun deaths. Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have also estimated that there could be as many as three million homeless people in the United States. It seems to me that that’s a lot of fetal descendants who also deserve to be protected.
In truth, the majority of Americans who say they are pro-life are primarily “pro-life control.” In the United States, I believe that the term pro-life should be used to designate those who campaign for strict gun control, but also against the murderous excesses of wild neoliberalism.
In addition to having given wings to evangelicals, Donald continues to skillfully make them believe that he is a sincere believer and worshiper of the Holy Trinity. Also, in June 2023, he said this to religious leaders of the movement: “Together, we are warriors in a just crusade to stop arsonists, atheists, globalists and Marxists. » That’s a lot of people to send to the stake.

Former President Donald Trump last Sunday
However, with the cult of lies at the center of his life, if Donald positions himself as the bulwark against the fabricated enemies of Christianity in America, it is to satisfy another capital sin lurking in his bowels: gluttony for power. .
Seriously, how can any sane person truly believe that Donald is a good rep to sell Bibles? Confronted with his numerous impostures, a certain section of the evangelical movement found a most surprising discourse to give Donald an almost messianic place in their destiny. These admirers compare him to King Cyrus II, also called Cyrus the Great (559-530 BC).
The Hebrew Bible glorifies this king whose actions indirectly freed the Jews. Donald would therefore be the American projection of this Persian conqueror who had defeated Babylon and freed the Jews from captivity. This allowed them to return to the Promised Land and begin rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem.
In the eyes of certain members of the evangelical movement, Trump would therefore symbolize this unbelieving character through whom the deliverance of the people of Israel will still come. In other words, we recognize that he is unsavory, but we support him for those actions that benefit American Christianity.
I find this ideological scaffolding very clever. But allow me to make another explanatory proposition about the nature of Donald’s connection to the evangelical movement.
This improbable association reminds me of the parasitic strategy of a butterfly called the blue thyme. I’ll tell you the story and you’ll decide if the comparison is a good one.
The larva of this butterfly mystifies the ants of the species Myrmica sabuleti to make them believe she is one of them. Like Donald brandishing a Bible in front of American Christians, this larva surrounds itself with a cape emitting odors and pheromones which perfectly imitate those of ants. To complete the evolutionary scam, the impostor also mimes the stridulations of ant larvae destined to become queens, a way of demanding services commensurate with his rank. Thus physically and acoustically adorned, it is common for well-mystified workers to pick up the false little queen and bring her home. Once in the anthill, the butterfly larva is fed and treated like a queen. But the ultimate objective of this squatter is to take advantage of his mimicry to fool his hosts and put their brood on his menu.
Let’s say that like the larva of this butterfly in the anthill, in my opinion, among evangelicals, Donald is nothing less than a wolf disguised as a lamb to better integrate the fold and attract the favor of the lost sheep.
If, for this larva, the deception continues until the day it transforms into a chrysalis and leaves the anthill, we can also bet that in the event of a defeat in November, Donald’s evangelical passion would take flight very quickly. In question, his entire past strongly suggests that he is closer to a disciple of Satan than to a enthusiast of the biblical word.