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DNA analysis techniques have progressed enormously, to the point of being able to draw robot portraits, as in the forensic hematology laboratory in Bordeaux. Investigate this service that solves impossible inquiries.
The first genetic robot portrait was created in a discreet laboratory. From a “simple” piece of evidence: lThe pants of a victim killed with a stabbing weapon. His blood is mixed with that of the murderer, and the scientists will make speak the cells collected to draw a robot portrait of the culprit. The man is unknown and does not appear in any police files. And the laboratory was seized especially for this.
After the analyzes, the scientists are able to give precise characteristics of the killer. Eye color: brown. Type 5 skin tone. Dark hair. But these scientists hope to go even further: “Today, we are working on notions of baldness, on the size of the lobes at the level of the ears, on the shape of the face”, explains Antoine Doutremepuich, general manager of the laboratory. This method, validated by the courts, had been proven for the first time in 2015.