When Beynac’s diversion project in the Dordogne is cited as a counter-example in a bill in the Senate

The bill on renewable energies is on the agenda this Wednesday in the Senate. It is examined by the Senators. This bill is supported by the Ministry of Ecology, which wants to accelerate the start-up of renewable energies such as wind power and photovoltaics. A priori, there is no link with the bypass project of Beynac canceled by justice and yet. The example of Beynac is cited in as an example or rather as a counter-example. Such situations must not happen again, explains the editor, because there has been too much money wasted and time wasted. The Beynac diversion site was, as we recall, suspended in December 2018 by decision of the Council of State before burying the project in 2020.

A “good sign” for the Beynac site

The Périgord senators, Marie-Claude Varaillas (PCF) and Serge Merilhou (PS) claim to have discovered “with surprise” the mention of Beynac in the bill. The Communist Senator does not wish to speak on the Beynac dossier. For the Socialist Senator, in favor of the deviation project, the fact that the Ministry of Ecology has chosen to refer to Beynac to denounce the blockages is a good sign “I believe that the government wants to avoid permanently having recourse […] it is nevertheless a very clear sign that the highest authorities of the State are worried about the situation of Beynac which is not unique in the country”.

A bill that proposes to limit the remedies

For supporters of the deviation of Beynac, this mention is a small miracle because the bill provides for limiting appeals in the event of opposition to a wind turbine or photovoltaic project. Concretely, if this bill is adopted, the declarations of major public interest and the declarations of public utility will have to be made at the same time, which limits the possibilities of appeal. Currently, these declarations are issued in two stages, which allows opponents to file appeals before the second declaration is issued.

The bill is not retroactive and does not concern the Beynac construction site since the courts condemned the department and requested the destruction of the construction site and the restoration of the site. However, the department has started everything from scratch and has just submitted a new diversion project with, he says, new arguments. This file is studied by the prefect of the Dordogne to know if this second version is “admissible”. Jean-Sébastien Lamontagne must render his decision before the end of the year. If the file is admissible, this second version will be able to be examined to find out whether it can receive the declaration of public utility and that of major public interest.


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