when army recruitment offices are attacked with molotov cocktails


France 2

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In Russia, military recruitment offices are attacked with molotov cocktails, according to videos shot by amateurs. The country invaded Ukraine last February.

Is a small wind of revolt looming among Russian reservists? Videos emerge, illustrating attempts to set fire to army recruitment centers, in sometimes remote areas of the country. Russia has 1,500 such centers. These acts of vandalism follow the launch of what the Kremlin calls “the special military operation in Ukraine”. It is forbidden for the Russians to express themselves on this operation or to demonstrate.

It would therefore obviously be acts of protest against the operation and also against a certain pressure to commit. The hypothesis of a general mobilization has not been accepted, the army therefore tries to put pressure on the reservists or to recruit people by dangling them interesting salaries or non-dangerous missions. A promise that seems difficult to keep, explains the journalist from France Télévisions, Ben Barnier, live from Moscow (Russia).

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