when an orca gets lost in the Seine


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

S. Aklouf, M. Benoist, L. Gazar, V. Breton, V. Labenne – France 2

France Televisions

An orca got lost in the Seine, between Le Havre and Rouen (Seine-Maritime). Its presence arouses the curiosity of local residents.

An orca wanders through the waters of the Seine, so the curious try their luck. “No orca on the horizon, unfortunately”, confides Jeoffrey Avenel, volunteer of the Norman mamalogic group. The latter sets off in pursuit of this animal weighing more than a ton and which extends from four to five meters in length. Surprise, the cetacean appears before his eyes. “It’s still a fantasy to see her. It’s not her environment, strictly speaking, but it’s still incredible to be able to observe her”says Jeoffrey Avenel.

First seen on the Calvados coast, the male killer whale now moves between Le Havre and Rouen (Seine-Maritime). An extremely rare phenomenon, because killer whales live in groups, in salt water. It is difficult to know how this cetacean got back into the Seine. But the animal’s state of health worries scientists. Prohibition measures are taken so that the orca is not approached.

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