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Since the start of the war in Ukraine, wheat exports have come to a halt. Several Mediterranean countries fear shortages and riots.
With the war in Ukraine, wheat exports are blocked. Russia is the 1er wheat exporter in the world. Together with Ukraine, they represent a quarter of world trade and are called “breadbasket of the Mediterranean”. In Ukraine, “the boats are at the quay, loaded, but cannot circulate”, explains Caroline Dufy, lecturer at Sciences Po Bordeaux. Due to Western sanctions against Russia, Russian wheat cannot be sold. Thursday March 10, a ton of wheat costs more than 400 euros, when its price was 275 euros in January 2022.
Egypt, Algeria or Lebanon fear shortages. According to economist Thierry Pouch, the United States would consider subsidizing importing countries. France is the 4th world wheat exporter. French grain growers would like to free themselves from environmental rules to produce more and sell more.