Wheat prices: faced with the increase, a mandatory adaptation


France 3

Article written by

O. Poncelet, T. Breton, J. Durant-Erouart, A. D’Abrigeon – France 3

France Televisions

Due to an arid drought in India, the price of wheat will increase in France. Bakers and millers are already worried about the rise in the price of their raw material.

A price increase that is difficult to make up for? The price of wheat is still increasing due to the very dry weather conditions in India. The world’s second largest wheat exporter has decided to temporarily halt its exports, as long as the drought hits the country. thes markets are worried and French wheat sellers have no choice but to raise their price. Increases that automatically affect bakers.

A baker has found an economical solution. He grinds the unsold to make breadcrumbs. Thus, it allowed him to create a wand eco that he sells at the same price, but who him cost very little in raw materials since it recovers ingredients already used. Rye bread or normal baguette, everything is good to recycle for the baker, who has made this fallback solution one of his best sellers.

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