What’s your favorite pasta recipe? Pasta with Dijon chef David Zuddas

Pasta, we love it! This is often the dish we make when we have no idea, but also when we receive friends casually!

David Zuddas, Dijon chef, loves it and he decided to open a pasta restaurant, Peppuccio, right next to DZ’Envies. Homemade pasta made with a well-rehearsed recipe and delicious sauces.

David Zuddas, Dijon chef © Radio France
Florence Gallice

For pasta, there are about 150g per person for a complete dish!

By listening to the show again, you will be able to enjoy Josiane and Annie’s mushroom recipes, Marie-France’s tomato and cauliflower pasta and Bernard de Brazey-en-Plaine’s homemade pasta made with duck eggs! Bernard left with his two meals at Peppuccio!

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