What you need to know about the CNR health, which is officially launched this Monday

A new section of the National Council for Refoundation is opening up: that of health. The CNR, launched on September 8, inaugurates this Monday, October 3, 2022 a site where Internet users can be consulted, in order to feed the thematic and territorial CNRs, including education and health. In addition to the national consultation with health professionals, there must be debates everywhere in France for three months on the hospital, the medical deserts, the shortage of personnel, and at the end, proposals will be formulated.

And many files are already on the table: a public hospital on the kneecaps, staff shortages and medical deserts all over France. On this last theme, which will be at the heart of the CNR Santé, the figures are frightening: 11% of French people aged 17 and over have no attending physician, ie more than 7 million citizens. And this number has continued to increase over the past 5 years.

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Thus, concretely, during this CNR health, anyone can launch a debate on the healthcare system, provided they respect a rule: each meeting must include caregivers, citizens and elected officials. The volunteers will be supported by agents from the Health Insurance and Regional Health Agencies (ARS) specially trained to supervise the debates. Agents will have a kit on hand with the topics to be covered and the objectives to be achieved.

The interest is to bring up ideas from the field, on the means of fighting against medical deserts, the shortage of health professionals, the lack of attending physicians. The proposals resulting from these debates will then be sent to the ARS and submitted to the taskforce, which was specially set up at the Ministry of Health. Those who could not take part in the debates will have the opportunity to give their ideas for improving the healthcare system on the website dedicated to this health CNR. Maps and infographics, showing how the projects unfold on the ground, will enrich the site in the fall.

Four thematic CNRs will focus on “the great transitions“, ecological, demographic, transition of the productive model and social model, and future of work, to which will be added three other CNRs on housing, youth, and digital technology. By launching the CNR on September 8 in Marcoussis (Essonne), President Emmanuel Macron had announced the launch of a “wide national consultation“online and on the pitch to put the French back”among the great choices of the nation“. The CNR, supposed to mobilize the living forces of the country, but shunned at its launch by the oppositions and certain unions, must meet again in plenary by December.

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