For several weeks, doctors have been warning young people and their parents against a trend born on social networks. That of using anti-aging products at 12, 10 years old… Where does this fashion come from? And why is this not a good idea? An expert answered my questions.
On TikTok, skincare routine videos are very popular. Influencers use several products, creams, gels, serums, often very expensive. The pots and tubes are beautiful and colorful. The person praising them is beaming. And honestly: who doesn’t dream of having beautiful skin?
Except that some products that are popular are designed for adult skin and should not be used by tweens and teens.
Pediatric dermatologist Sophie Vadeboncoeur (that means she is a specialist in children’s skin) explains to us.
Do you see young patients following this fashion?
Sophie: Yes. I see girls and boys who come to consult for a skin problem who carry around lots and lots of products that they have seen on TikTok or Instagram. Some contain ingredients for mature skin that are not suitable for them.
Are there any dangers in using these products?
These products are not “dangerous”, but they can be very irritating and cause redness and dryness. Children and adolescents have sensitive skin. In wanting to have more beautiful skin, they use products that create a new problem for them.
In addition to not being designed for young people, these products are often very expensive. Should we pay a lot for good care?
Absolutely not ! And that doesn’t matter how old we are. I repeat it often: it’s just marketing. There is no need to pay a lot for a product. In fact, these are often the same ingredients found in pharmacy creams that are sold ten times cheaper.
What do you need to take care of your skin?
Very few things! Our skin needs to be cleansed with a mild soap and moisturized if we tend to have dry skin. And in the morning, it is very important to apply sunscreen. Prevention starts with good sun protection. It’s a very simple and inexpensive routine.
Caroline Bouffard
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