What you always wanted to know about… | Roxane Bruneau

A few months after the release of his album Overwhelmed, Roxane Bruneau resumed the tour with a six-night residency at L’Olympia, in Montreal. The popular coach of The voice, who has shows planned in Quebec until April 2025, answered your questions with humor and authenticity.

You say you’re surprised to find yourself so popular as a singer. But what other job were you hoping to do?

Carole Fortier

The thing was, I didn’t have big ambitions, because I lacked a lot of self-confidence. I couldn’t see myself doing anything other than that. It seems like I was a heroine who didn’t have a plan B, but I just didn’t have a plan overall! Finally I became a singer, I don’t know by what miracle.

Did you actually sing on the street corner with your hat in front of you?

Eve Gentile

Yes. I was 13, I sang my own songs, but especially covers. It was in Candiac, near the CLSC. My mother let me do it, but she told me: “If the police take you home, I’m going to pretend to argue with you and we’ll find you another park!” » But they weren’t very busy parks, so I didn’t mess around. And I haven’t done that very often.

You brought your color to the show The voice. How were you able to deal with the disappointment of people whose applications were not accepted?

Elisabeth-Lynda Grenier

I really thought, before doing The voice, that it was arranged with the views guy. But it was really me who made the decisions… and I would have liked it if the views guy was there sometimes! I’ve been doing this job for 10 years, some have been doing it for 25-30 years, so I found it difficult sometimes not to be able to retain them. But the producer told me: “You’re here for a reason, stop having imposter syndrome. » During the blind auditions, we don’t have time to create connections, it goes too quickly, but with our team, yes. I still talk to my candidates. I still have a connection with them.

Do you realize that you are doing good with your energy, and that you are giving hope in modesty with your journey?

Yvon Bergeron

Every day, when I do my laundry, I forget what I do for a living. I don’t think about that 24 hours a day, otherwise you spend more time in door frames! When I’m reminded of this, it always warms my heart, but it’s a double-edged sword. When I’m performing and I see the people who come around and know my songs, I tell myself that it’s really a great power. And that comes with great responsibilities. Of course it comes with pressure not to disappoint people.

Is there anything else you would like to do besides what you already do?

Stéphane Thibault

Having played in Indefensible, it gave me a taste for the game. I would like to try it more. I’ve been directing my stuff for a long time, so maybe directing and editing excite me a lot… Maybe one day I’ll get behind the camera. At some point, you’re doing your time in this job! I would also really like to help the next generation, I really enjoyed my role as coach.

My favorite number is 14, I read somewhere that it was also your favorite number, but I still don’t know why.

Marko Cournoyer

Yes, that’s my lucky number! It’s my birthday. Good deals often happened to me on the 14th, not just the month of my birthday. I try to time big events on this date, or close to it. In fact I’m superstitious, it borders on mental illness! My big superstition is that it’s impossible that I could have done this alone. My grandmother died not long before I started my career and I definitely feel like it has a connection. I have a ring with the date of his death, I got a tattoo of his year of birth and death. I have to touch them before every show.

Will you do other episodes of the Roximobile ?

Vanessa Daraiche

Yes. We did less, the concept was exhausted, but when we have little ideas like that, I come back to them. I don’t put pressure on myself. My internet stuff worked because it was never forced. It’s when I feel like it, it’s not every Tuesday at 7 p.m., it’s really a diary where I can keep my memories.

Check out Roxane Bruneau’s show dates

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