What You Always Wanted to Know About… | Bryan Adams

Bryan Adams is passing through the province for his biggest tour on Quebec soil in his career. From Rimouski to Rouyn-Noranda via Saguenay and Joliette, the singer of Summer of 69 will take the stage in seven cities. Its final stop will be near Montreal, at the International Balloon Festival of Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, on August 10. The Press asked him your questions.

You released your first album in 1980. What is the secret of your longevity? Your voice is still as wonderful and sounds almost the same as when you started! – Frank Jones

That’s very kind, Frank. I don’t know if I have a real secret to longevity. I think if you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. [Il réfléchit.] When I started out, for every door that closed, another one opened. Every time someone told me “no,” I found a way to turn it into a “yes.” I guess maybe that’s the secret: never take “no” for an answer.

What is your favorite song from your repertoire and, conversely, is there one that you regret having composed? – Véronique Dion

I don’t regret any of them. My favorite? It’s super hard to choose. I was very happy to So Happy It Hurtswhich came out on my last album, because it got a Grammy nomination. It was my favorite song last year. But my favorite songs are always my new songs. I think more about today and tomorrow than yesterday. The new material excites me more. But I also like my old stuff.

What has been your most important musical inspiration? – Josée Normandin

I think it’s the rock guitar flights [loud guitar rock]…You know, with lots of hair.

How do you feel when you’re on stage and the crowd is singing your hits at the top of their lungs? – Sara Cousineau

It’s the ultimate feeling for a songwriter! There’s nothing better than hearing people sing your songs. That’s why I love touring. For any artist, it’s the most rewarding thing.

Did you speak French before recording the English and French soundtracks for the animated film? Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarronin 2002? What is your level of French? – Evelyne Donni

[En français] I try to speak it a little bit every day because there is someone on my team who speaks French. My entire video team is from Quebec. I started speaking French at school. My teacher, when I was 14, was very nice and helped me speak it better. I also lived in France for six months. I met a teacher there with whom I practiced a little. That’s why I speak a little French.

[En anglais] If I have the chance to sing in French again, I would like to do so. With SpiritI told them: “If you plan to remake the songs in French, I want to do it.”

During your career, you have co-written songs with the band Kiss, including War Machine. What memory do you have of this collaboration? – François Dansereau

I was 21 or 22. I was a hungry songwriter. The opportunity came up. Their producer called me and said, “I like your songs. Would you be willing to collaborate with the members of Kiss?” I said I would. War Machine was a riff bass that Gene Simmons had written. I took that and wrote the rest of the song with Jim Vallance.

If you had not been a singer-songwriter, what job would you have liked to do? – Annie Dessureault

I didn’t have a plan B. I wanted to make a career in music. Anyway, every time I applied for a job, I wasn’t chosen. I had very long hair when I was a teenager. As soon as employers saw me, it was a no. I didn’t know if I would be successful as a singer, but I knew my career would be linked to music.

What does a perfect day in the life of Bryan Adams look like? – Eugene Beriau

The perfect day would be somewhere warm, for sure. I like living in a warmer climate, that’s why I lived in France for a while. I lived in Jamaica too. I like being warm. On my perfect day, there would be freshly picked vegetables from the garden. I would play with my children and family and go swimming.

Questions and answers have been abbreviated and condensed for clarity and conciseness.

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