what you absolutely need to remember from Joe Biden’s speech tonight!

This Thursday, February 24, the channel BFM-TV broadcast Joe Biden’s speech to discuss the United States’ response to the invasion of Ukraine.

Sanctions on Russian banks amount to 10 trillion dollars. This will have a significant cost on the Russian economy in the medium and long term” he justified. Moreover, this decision has already caused a tumble with “the Russian Stock Exchange which collapsed by more than 50%”.

That said, the United States does not intend to send troops to Ukraine even if it intends to defend “every inch of NATO territory“. However, the Pentagon is deploying an additional 7,000 troops to Germany. For Joe Biden, this is a “aggression that we must punish“since according to him, Vladimir Putin will become”a pariah on the international scene”. He does not intend to speak with him unlike Emmanuel Macron. The American politician took the opportunity to recall that “We (Editor’s note: the United States) stand with the courageous Ukrainian people”. For him, the best way to fight back is to do it economically.

“Putin chose to wage this war but he will pay for it.” Joe Biden announced that new sanctions had been taken. Donald Trump’s successor has indicated that Russian banks will receive sanctions of more than 10 trillion dollars. He assured that “all their assets in America will be frozen”.

Among other promises announced by the politician, it can be noted that the sanctions envisaged against Russia will be “so devastating“than the damage caused by tanks and missiles. “This aggression cannot go unanswered or the consequences will be far greater for the United States. This is what we are doing, we are standing up against the bullies, we are standing up for freedom.”

As a reminder, Joe Biden had already responded to Vladimir Putin with strong economic reprisals if he attacked Ukraine. This had started by sanctioning Russia with the cessation of the operation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline (11 billion dollars of investment) but also freezing the transactions of the 2 Russian banks, Vnesheconombank and Promsvyazbank, with American entities.

See also: Melania Trump: Her reaction after shaking hands with Vladimir Putin makes the buzz!


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